Construction Electrician
The title "construction electrician" defines a person who, because of his or her knowledge, training and abilities, is capable of laying out, installing, testing, troubleshooting, and repairing electrical systems, which provides light, heat, communications, and power to a variety of new and existing residential, commercial, and industrial structures. Construction electricians... More >
Volunteer Centres in Saskatchewan
Volunteer Saskatoon 100-506 25th St East Saskatoon SK S7K 4A7 Tel: 306-975-3477 Fax: 306 244 0583 volunteersaskatoon@unitedwaysaskatoon.ca More >
Hairstylists possess the knowledge and ability needed to shampoo, cut, style and chemically treat hair. They may also provide other services such as scalp treatments and hairpiece services. In some jurisdictions, hairstylists also provide basic facial, make-up, hair removal, manicure and pedicure services. While hairstylist services are the core of... More >
Automotive Service Technician
Automotive service technicians possess the full range of knowledge and abilities required to perform preventative maintenance, diagnose problems and repair engines, vehicle management systems, steering systems, braking systems, drive trains, suspension, electrical systems, HVAC systems, trim and accessories of automotive vehicles and light trucks. Automotive service technicians may be employed... More >
What Social Workers Do
Social Workers are usually employed in hospitals, community health centers, mental health clinics, schools, advocacy organizations, government departments, social service agencies, child welfare settings, family service agencies, correctional facilities, social housing organizations, family courts, employee assistance programs and private counselling, school boards, and consultation agencies. More >
What is a Volunteer Centre?
Volunteer Centres are non-profit organizations or groups dedicated to fostering and developing volunteerism in the community as a whole. While other organizations contribute to sustaining our national heritage of volunteering through their programs and outreach, Volunteer Centres serve the broadest membership: including volunteers and organizations/volunteer-involving organizations. Volunteer Centres reach across... More >
Grant for Students from Middle Income Families
Under this grant, students from middle-income families who qualify for a federal student loan and meet the specific grant eligibility requirements will receive $100 per month of study. This grant is available for all years of a university undergraduate, college or trade school program. Delivered by: Human Resources and Skills... More >
5 Facts about Jobs
1. More than half of all jobs will require education or technical training beyond high school. 2. Manufacturing jobs will require different skills, while an equal number of service jobs will be obsolete. 3. The major contributors to new job opportunities are small companies with fewer than 100 employees, yet... More >
- Millwright/Industrial Mechanic Certificate
- Certificate in First Nations Language Proficiency
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree
- Computer Information Systems Certificate
- Welding Level C, B and A Programs
- General Studies Diploma
- Business Administration Diploma
- General Business Studies Certificate
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree
- Bachelor of Science (Major or Honours in Integrated Sciences) Degree