The National Educational Association of Disabled Students is a consumer organization, with a mandate to encourage the self-empowerment of post-secondary students with disabilities. NEADS advocates for increased accessibility at all levels so that disabled students may gain equal access to college or university education, which is their right. The Association provides information on services and programs for students with disabilities nationwide, publishes a regular newsletter, and conducts research on issues of importance to its members. Members include disabled students, educators, organizations and professional service providers. NEADS is governed by a 12 person Board of Directors which represents each of the provinces and the territories. Board members are all consumers with disabilities, with the exception of the open" rep. position on the Board, which may be filled by anyone who has an expressed interest in the work of the Association and a demonstrated commitment to the objectives and goals of NEADS.
To initiate the development and expansion of a communications network for students with disabilities and those persons professionally involved in support programs for disabled students at colleges and universities across Canada; Have the capability to make timely and meaningful responses to the issues and concerns affecting the educational resources and environment of students with disabilities; Facilitate the collection and dissemination of information on post-secondary education and the disabled student; Encourage the formation of associations of students with disabilities on the campuses so that consumers can advocate for themselves.
NEADS is governed by a 12 member Board of Directors. This Board is cross-disability and represents the geographical regions of the country. In order to maintain consumer control disabled students members have exclusive voting privileges.
The Canadian Nursing Students' Association
The Canadian Nursing Students Association (CNSA) is the voice of nursing students in Canada. For over thirty years, CNSA has represented the interests of nursing students to federal, provincial, and international governments and to other nursing and health care organizations. More >
Alberta Volunteer Centres
Banff Volunteer Centre 302 Buffalo Street, Box 5148 Banff AB, T1L 1G3 Telephone: 403.762.4466 Fax: 403.762.4463 Volunteer Calgary Suite 1170, Kahanoff Centre 1202 Centre St SE Calgary, AB T2G 5A5 Telephone: 403.265.5633 Fax: 403.265.8981 Volunteer Centre of Camrose and District 3, 4516 รข?? 54 Street Camrose,... More >
Sprinkler System Installer
The occupational title "Sprinkler System Installer" defines persons who, because of their knowledge, training and abilities, are capable of installing, testing, maintaining, and repairing fire protection systems. Sprinkler System Installers are usually, but not exclusively, found in industrial, institutional, commercial, and residential situations, such as: plants, factories, office buildings, hotels,... More >
Ironworker (Structural/Ornamental)
Ironworkers (structural/ornamental) install and reinforce structural/ornamental steel components, precast structural concrete members and glued laminated timber products (glulam) in commercial, industrial, institutional and large residential buildings, towers, bridges and stadiums. They erect pre-engineered buildings and ornamental ironwork such as curtain walls, metal stairways, catwalks, railings and metal doors. They also... More >
Financial Support for skills training to Employment Insurance eligible individuals
Am I eligible for participation in Skills Development? To be eligible for participation in Skills Development (SD), you must be an unemployed individual ("insured participant") as defined by Section 58 of the Employment Insurance Act. This means that you are an individual for whom: a) an unemployment benefit period has... More >
Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Math Contests
The Pascal, Cayley and Fermat math competitions are an opportunity for students to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem solving ability. Details are available in the full information brochure. More >
National Health Sciences Students' Association
The National Health Sciences Students' Association was established in 2005 and is the first national interprofessional student association in the world. NaHSSA is a network of local university and college-based chapters that promote interprofessional education and practice within Canada. NaHSSA enables students to advocate for and learn from this form... More >
Canadian Architecture Students Association
Canadian Architecture Students Association is a non-profit organization who is composed of a collection of students across the nation who are committed to being the voice of the architectural student body across Canada. This Association, though often besieged by geography, experiment and discover new methods of communication without bounds. They... More >
- Physical Education Diploma
- Welder/Fitter Certificate
- University Transfer Studies
- Steamfitter/Pipefitter Certificate
- Criminology Diploma
- Power Engineering and Gas Processing Certificate
- Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology Related) Degree Programs
- Industrial Automation Technician Diploma
- Fine Arts Foundation Certificate
- Commerce University Transfer Program