Randy Lindros Memorial Bursary
Scholarship Value $500
Number of Scholarships 1
Kamloops Minor Hockey Association is proud to offer 3 different Scholarships for their graduating players that are moving on to post secondary education.
These scholarships ($500 each) are designed to recognize a variety of skills including hockey, academics, sportsmanship, leadership and character.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to a student (male or female) who best meets the following criteria:
- Graduates from grade 12 in a Kamloops area high school with above-average marks in all subjects.
- Has played hockey for a minimum of 2 years to at least the U15 level and has shown good sportsmanship, leadership and character.
- Plans to attend a recognized BC post-secondary institution (may be delayed one year if the successful candidate decides to postpone going on to post-secondary school, but after one year is forfeited.
- Has shown excellence and commitment to hockey and any other area of endeavor, whether athletic, fine arts or community service.
To apply please include the following:
- A transcript of the student’s marks or most recent report card
- A letter or reference (from a coach, referee in chief, teacher or someone from the community)
- Personal letter detailing hockey and community participation plus post-secondary plans
The above information should be forwarded in one complete package to:
Kamloops Minor Hockey Association: Attention: Scholarships, PO Box 24018, #70-700 Tranquille Rd, Kamloops BC V2B 8R3
Or by email to: Zac Carnelley executivedirector@kamloopsminorhockey.com
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